
Continuous Delivery vs Continuous Deployment - In-depth Comparison

You’ve likely encountered the terms Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment while working with CI/CD pipelines. But what exactly sets these two practices apart? Which one should you implement in your workflow? How do they relate to Continuous Integration?

This guide will clarify these concepts, explore their key differences, and help you determine which practice best suits your team’s needs.

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What is Continuous Delivery?

Continuous Delivery is a software development practice where code changes are automatically prepared for a release to a production environment. The primary goal of Continuous Delivery is to ensure that the codebase is always in a deployable state. This involves automated testing, integration, and staging processes that allow developers to deploy code changes quickly and safely. Continuous Delivery aims to reduce the time and risk associated with delivering incremental changes to production.

Frame 1000008852Key features of Continuous Delivery

  • Automated Testing: Ensures that all code changes are automatically tested through unit tests, integration tests, and acceptance tests.
  • Build automation: Automates the process of compiling and building the code to ensure it is always in a deployable state.
  • Release automation: Facilitates automated deployments to staging environments to verify the software in conditions that mimic production.
  • Manual approval: Even though the code is ready for deployment, a manual approval step is typically required before deploying to the production environment.

Example of Continuous Delivery

Netflix employs Continuous Delivery to manage its complex microservices architecture. The company uses automated testing and staging environments to ensure that code changes are always in a deployable state. This practice allows Netflix to quickly and efficiently deliver updates and new features to its streaming service while maintaining high reliability and performance.

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What is Continuous Deployment?

Continuous Deployment takes Continuous Delivery a step further by automating the entire process of deploying code changes to production. In Continuous Deployment, every change that passes the automated tests is automatically deployed to production without any manual intervention. This practice ensures that new features, bug fixes, and improvements are delivered to users as soon as they are ready, thereby providing a continuous flow of value.

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Key features of Continuous Deployment

  • Full automation: No manual steps are required from code commit to production deployment, making the process fully automated.
  • Real-time feedback: Allows for immediate feedback from end-users, enabling rapid iteration and improvement.
  • Robust testing: Relies on comprehensive automated testing to ensure code quality and reliability before deployment.
  • High frequency of releases: Facilitates multiple deployments per day, ensuring that users get the latest updates and fixes as soon as they are available.

Example of Continuous Deployment

Facebook is known for its Continuous Deployment practices, deploying code changes to its platform multiple times per day. By automating the deployment process and relying on robust automated testing, Facebook ensures that new features and improvements reach users rapidly, allowing for continuous enhancement of the user experience.

Continuous Delivery vs Continuous Deployment: Key Differences

While both Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment aim to streamline the software release process, they differ in terms of the extent of automation and the point at which manual intervention occurs.

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Benefits of Continuous Delivery

Continuous Delivery offers several benefits that help teams maintain high-quality software and efficient workflows.

  • Reduced deployment risks – By deploying smaller, incremental changes, Continuous Delivery reduces the risk of significant failures. Smaller changes are easier to test, debug, and roll back if necessary.
  • Faster time to market – Automated testing and build processes allow teams to release new features and updates faster, improving time to market and competitive advantage.
  • Improved code quality – Continuous Delivery promotes frequent integration and testing, ensuring that issues are identified and resolved early in the development cycle.
  • Enhanced collaboration – With a shared responsibility for code quality and deployment readiness, Continuous Delivery fosters better collaboration among development, testing, and operations teams.
  • Greater flexibility – Teams can respond to market changes and user feedback more quickly, adjusting priorities and delivering updates as needed.

Benefits of Continuous Deployment

Continuous Deployment maximizes the efficiency and responsiveness of the software delivery process, offering unique advantages.

  • Rapid delivery of value – By automatically deploying every change that passes tests, Continuous Deployment ensures that users receive the latest features, improvements, and fixes as soon as they are ready.
  • Continuous user feedback – Frequent deployments enable continuous feedback from users, helping teams to quickly identify and address issues or adapt to user needs.
  • Reduced operational overhead – Full automation of the deployment process minimizes manual interventions, reducing the operational overhead and freeing up resources for more strategic tasks.
  • Enhanced Agility – Continuous Deployment supports agile development practices by enabling rapid iteration and experimentation, allowing teams to pivot quickly based on user feedback and market conditions.
  • Increased reliability – Robust automated testing ensures that only high-quality code reaches production, reducing the likelihood of deployment failures and enhancing system reliability.

Continuous Deployment vs Continuous Delivery vs Continuous Integration

To fully understand Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment, it’s important to differentiate them from Continuous Integration (CI), another essential practice in modern software development.

Continuous Integration (CI)

In Continuous Integration, developers frequently integrate their code changes into a shared repository. Each integration triggers an automated build and testing process, ensuring that the codebase remains in a healthy state.

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When to use each

Choosing between Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment depends on several factors, including the organization’s maturity, regulatory requirements, and the nature of the software being developed.

When to use Continuous Delivery

  • Regulatory compliance: When there are regulatory requirements that necessitate manual reviews and approvals before deployment.
  • High-risk environments: In industries where errors can have significant consequences, such as finance or healthcare, where thorough testing and manual checks are critical.
  • Controlled releases: When there is a need to control the timing and impact of new releases, allowing for planned and coordinated deployments.

Example: Banking sector 

A bank might use Continuous Delivery due to regulatory requirements that necessitate manual approvals and thorough testing before deploying changes to the production environment. This ensures compliance and reduces the risk of significant errors in high-stakes financial transactions.

When to use Continuous Deployment

  • Rapid iteration: In environments where rapid iteration and frequent updates are essential, such as consumer web applications or SaaS platforms.
  • User feedback driven development: When immediate user feedback is critical for development, allowing for quick adjustments based on user needs and behavior.
  • High automation maturity: In organizations with a mature automation framework and robust testing practices that can ensure the reliability of automated deployments.

Example: E-commerce platforms

E-commerce platforms like Shopify benefit from Continuous Deployment by rapidly delivering new features and improvements to their users. This approach allows them to respond quickly to market trends and user feedback, maintaining a competitive edge in online retail.


Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment are powerful methodologies that transform the software development lifecycle, enhancing efficiency, quality, and user satisfaction. While they share common goals of automating and streamlining the release process, their key differences lie in the extent of automation and the approach to deployment

Continuous Delivery provides a balanced approach with manual oversight, making it suitable for high-risk environments and regulatory compliance. On the other hand, Continuous Deployment offers the highest level of automation, enabling rapid iteration and continuous delivery of value to users.

Enhancing CI/CD with Global App Testing

At Global App Testing, we empower your continuous delivery (CD) and continuous integration (CI) processes with comprehensive and efficient testing solutions:

  • Rapid test execution and results: You will receive functional and exploratory test results within six hours, enabling swift issue identification and resolution.
  • Global device and environment coverage: Access thousands of devices and configurations worldwide, ensuring your app performs well in diverse environments.
  • Seamless integration: Integrate effortlessly with tools like Jira, GitHub, and TestRail, streamlining your workflow and automating test management.
  • Flexible testing options: We offer manual and exploratory testing tailored to your specific needs, providing detailed insights into app performance and user experience.
  • Crowdsourced Testing: Leverage our global network of 90,000 professional testers to provide real-world feedback and extensive device coverage.
  • Continuous feedback loop: Support a continuous feedback loop, facilitating quicker iterations and more reliable deployments.

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With our testing solutions, you can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Improved speed and efficiency: Swift test execution and reporting enhance the speed and efficiency of your CI/CD pipeline.
  • Enhanced quality and reliability: Immediate bug tracking and comprehensive coverage ensure higher quality and reliability of your software.
  • Scalability and flexibility: Easily scale testing efforts based on project needs with a flexible approach to various testing types.
  • Integration with DevOps tools: Seamlessly integrate with CI/CD tools, ensuring tests run as part of your build pipeline.
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CI/CD vs. DevOps: what is the difference?

CI/CD and DevOps are related but distinct concepts in software development.

  • Focus: Continuous integration and continuous delivery.
  • History: It emerged in the late 1990s and was widely adopted with the rise of DevOps.
  • Purpose: Automates building, testing, and deploying software updates.
  • Benefit: Enables faster delivery and improved quality within a DevOps framework.


  • Focus: Holistic collaboration between development and operations teams.
  • History: Gained popularity around 2010.
  • Purpose: Breaks down silos, and promotes shared responsibility for code quality, performance, and security.
  • Benefit: Improves responsiveness to user feedback and ensures smooth operations with frequent updates.

DevOps sets the vision for better software development, while CI/CD provides the tools to achieve that vision.

What challenges are associated with Continuous Deployment?
  • Risk management: This requires robust testing and monitoring to mitigate the risk of automatically deploying potentially unstable or buggy code.
  • Organizational readiness: Requires a high level of automation maturity and cultural readiness within teams to embrace frequent and automated deployments.
How can organizations transition to Continuous Delivery or Continuous Deployment?
  • Automation: Invest in automation tools and practices for building, testing, and deploying software.
  • Culture: Foster a culture of collaboration, transparency, and continuous improvement across development and operations teams.
  • Iterative Approach: Start with Continuous Delivery and gradually evolve towards Continuous Deployment as teams and processes mature.