
What is Unit Testing – Everything You Need to Know

Are you struggling to catch bugs early in your software development? Unit testing is the solution, helping you identify issues in individual components before they become costly problems. In this guide, you'll learn key benefits, best practices, and common challenges in unit testing. Let's begin!

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What is unit testing?

Unit testing is a type of software testing in which individual units or components of a software application are tested independently from the rest of the application. Depending on the software's structure, these units might be as small as a single function or as large as a class or module. Unit testing aims to ensure that each unit performs as intended and meets the specified requirements, which helps prevent bugs from creeping into more complex parts of the application.


Benefits of unit testing

Here are the key benefits of unit testing:

  1. Early bug detection: Unit testing helps catch bugs early, making them easier and cheaper to fix.
  2. Better code quality: Writing unit tests promotes cleaner, modular, and more maintainable code.
  3. Cost savings: Fixing early bugs reduces the time and resources needed for later fixes.
  4. Faster development: Automated tests speed up development by allowing quick validation of code changes.
  5. Safer refactoring: Unit tests ensure functionality is preserved during refactoring.
  6. System documentation: Unit tests act as documentation, clarifying code behavior for developers.

Steps involved in unit testing

Implementing unit testing effectively requires a structured approach. The process can be broken down into several key steps:


1. Planning and setting up the environment

The first step is to plan which units need to be tested and how to execute each unit's relevant functionality effectively. This involves setting up the testing environment, which includes configuring test data, selecting the appropriate tools, and ensuring that the testing infrastructure is in place.

2. Writing test cases and scripts

Once the environment is ready, writing the unit test code is following. This often involves using testing frameworks like JUnit for Java, NUnit for .NET, or pytest for Python. A well-written test case should be concise, focused on a single functionality aspect, and designed to be repeatable.

3. Executing test cases

After writing the test cases, it's time to execute them. Typically, unit tests are automated to ensure they can be run consistently and quickly, which is crucial for integrating testing into the continuous development process.

4. Analyzing results

Once the tests have been executed, developers need to analyze the results. This involves identifying any errors or issues in the code and making the necessary corrections. It’s important to re-run the tests after fixing issues to confirm that the problem has been resolved.

Best practices for unit testing

To maximize the effectiveness of unit testing, follow these best practices:

  1. Write small, focused tests: Keep tests simple, targeting small pieces of functionality for easier debugging.
  2. Use descriptive test names: Clearly describe the functionality and expected outcome in the test name.
  3. Aim for high code coverage: Strive for high coverage to reduce the likelihood of undetected bugs, even if 100% is impractical.
  4. Test positive and negative scenarios: Ensure tests cover both valid and invalid inputs to handle all potential edge cases.
  5. Use mocks and stubs: Isolate code by simulating external dependencies, focusing the test on the specific unit.
  6. Ensure tests are repeatable and consistent: Tests should always produce the same result, avoiding non-deterministic behavior.
  7. Adopt test-driven development (TDD): Write tests before code to ensure only necessary functionality is implemented, promoting clean code.
  8. Use parameterized tests: Test the same logic with different inputs to improve efficiency and coverage without duplicating code.
  9. Keep unit tests fast and lightweight: Ensure tests are quick to encourage frequent execution and support continuous integration.
  10. Integrate with continuous integration (CI): Run tests automatically on each code commit to catch issues early and provide timely feedback.

Techniques for unit testing

Effective unit testing involves employing specific techniques that help structure and simplify tests:

Arrange, Act, Assert (AAA) Pattern


The Arrange, Act, Assert (AAA) pattern is widely used for organizing unit tests. It provides a clear and consistent way to structure tests, making them easier to read, understand, and maintain. Each test case is divided into three distinct sections:

1. Arrange: Setting Up the Test Environment

In the "Arrange" phase, you prepare everything necessary for the test to run. This includes initializing objects, setting up mock data, and configuring dependencies. The goal here is to isolate the specific piece of code you're testing by ensuring that any external or unrelated factors (like database calls, network requests, or services) are controlled or mocked. This makes the test focused and reliable.

Example tasks during the "Arrange" step:

  • Create instances of the class or object being tested.
  • Mock dependencies such as databases, APIs, or external services.
  • Set up any required inputs or initial conditions.

Example (Calculator Test):


2. Act: Executing the Code Under Test

In the "Act" phase, you execute the functionality or method being tested. This is the core of the test—where you perform the action that will later be validated. This phase should be focused on running the code in a controlled environment to ensure the test logic can verify the behavior.

Example tasks during the "Act" step:

  • Call the method or function you're testing.
  • Pass in any input parameters or data required for the method to run.

Example (Calculator Test):


3. Assert: Verifying the Results

The "Assert" phase is where you validate the outcomes of the "Act" phase. You check whether the result matches the expected behavior or output. Assertions are the core verification mechanism that ensures the code behaves as expected under certain conditions.

Example tasks during the "Assert" step:

  • Compare the actual output with the expected result.
  • Ensure that the state or side effects of the method are correct.
  • Verify that no unexpected exceptions are thrown, or that the correct exceptions are handled.

Example (Calculator Test):


Use of mocks and stubs

Mocks and stubs are powerful tools used in unit testing to simulate the behavior of external dependencies, such as databases, APIs, or services. Replacing real dependencies with these simulated objects allows you to test a code unit in isolation, ensuring that the test focuses solely on the evaluated logic without being influenced by external factors.


Mocks are used to simulate objects and their behaviors. They allow you to mimic a dependency's functionality and verify interactions with that dependency. You can configure mocks to return specific values or throw exceptions, and after the test, you can check if the mock methods were called as expected, how many times, and with what parameters.

Common uses of mocks:

  • Simulate external services: Mock external APIs, email services, or payment gateways that your code relies on.
  • Verify method calls: Ensure that the correct methods were called with expected arguments, and verify how many times they were invoked.
  • Return custom values: Simulate specific responses based on inputs to test various outcomes of the method under test.

Example with a mock:


In this example, the email_service simulates an email service, allowing the test to verify the UserService behavior without actually sending an email.


Stubs are simpler than mocks and are used to provide predefined responses to calls made during testing. While stubs don’t track method calls or verify interactions, they are useful for simulating return values and providing consistent behavior for external dependencies without complex logic.

Common uses of stubs:

  • Return fixed data: Use stubs to return predefined data, such as a constant response from a database query or API call.
  • Simplify dependencies: Stub out external dependencies irrelevant to the test, such as database access or file systems.

Example with a stub:


In this case, the stub user_db provides a fixed response for the get_user method, allowing the test to proceed without querying a real database.

When to use Mocks vs. Stubs:

  • Use mocks to verify how external dependencies are used, check method invocations, or return specific results based on inputs.
  • Use stubs to provide canned responses or simulate behavior without tracking the dependency's use.

Code coverage tools

Code coverage tools help measure how much of your code is tested. Here are some common ones:

  • JaCoCo (Java): A popular code coverage tool for Java that generates detailed reports on test coverage.
  • Istanbul (JavaScript): A tool for JavaScript that provides easy-to-read coverage reports and integrates with many test frameworks.
  • Coverage.py (Python): A tool that measures test coverage, highlighting untested lines and generating HTML reports.

One assert per test method

The "One Assert Per Test Method" principle encourages keeping unit tests simple and focused by limiting each test to a single assertion. This approach enhances test clarity, maintainability, and ease of debugging as it isolates each tested condition. If a test needs to check multiple conditions, it's generally better to split it into smaller tests, each targeting a specific behavior.

Example of one assert per test method:

Instead of having a test that checks multiple conditions in a single method:


It’s better to split it into smaller tests, each focusing on a single condition:


Exceptions to the rule:

While one assert per test is a good rule of thumb, there are scenarios where multiple assertions may be acceptable, such as:

  • Testing-related conditions: If multiple assertions are logically related and part of the same behavior, they may be grouped. For example, having multiple assertions can make sense if you verify multiple properties of a single object (like an object's state after an action).
  • Assertion for setup validation: Sometimes, you may need to assert the initial setup (e.g., ensuring mocks are configured correctly) before asserting the actual behavior.



Common challenges and solutions

Despite its many benefits, unit testing can present challenges. Here are some common issues and how to address them:

  1. Managing large test suites: Use test management tools to organize, categorize, and efficiently execute tests.
  2. Test script maintenance: Regularly review and refactor test scripts to keep them relevant and prevent redundancy.
  3. Test environment setup: Use containerization (e.g., Docker) to ensure consistent and reproducible test environments.
  4. Brittle tests: Focus on testing behavior, not implementation, to make tests flexible and resilient to changes.
  5. Time-consuming tests: Break down long-running tests or run them in parallel to speed up execution.
  6. Flaky tests: Investigate and fix flaky tests by ensuring stable and predictable conditions for each run.
  7. Test dependencies: Avoid tests relying on external services by using mock data or stubs to isolate units.


As explained in this guide, unit testing is an important part of software development that ensures individual components function correctly in isolation. By adhering to best practices, such as writing small, focused tests and using descriptive names, developers can enhance the reliability and maintainability of their code.

Moreover, techniques like the AAA pattern and the use of mocks and stubs help structure and simplify testing efforts. When integrated into a continuous integration pipeline, unit testing becomes a powerful tool for maintaining high-quality code and delivering successful software projects.

GAT and unit testing?


Global App Testing (GAT) primarily focuses on crowdtesting and manual testing services rather than unit testing, but it can still provide valuable support in several ways:

  • Test coverage insights: We can help identify gaps in overall test coverage, including areas where unit tests may be missing or weak, providing recommendations for improving unit test completeness.
  • Bug discovery: By catching issues at higher levels (integration, functional, or exploratory testing), we can help trace bugs back to areas that lack proper unit testing, prompting developers to add or improve tests.
  • Cross-platform validation: We can assist with cross-platform and localization testing, ensuring that unit tests are aligned with the various platforms and regions the app is deployed on.
  • Complementing unit tests: Our manual and crowdtesting services complement unit tests by identifying issues in user workflows, edge cases, or integration points that unit tests might miss, ensuring a well-rounded testing strategy.

So, book a call with us today, and let us show you how to deliver a superb product anytime, anywhere!

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