
"How great leaders deliver high-quality software and accelerate growth"

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Three things this book will teach you:

Becoming a leader of quality in your organization

What does it mean to "lead" quality? We take a look at the relationship between culture, quality, and leadership, in the first section of this book.

Mastering strategic quality decisions

What decisions have the most sophisticated businesses made about their quality? What processes have they used to make them?

Accelerating growth with quality

How can you translate quality into growth? We situate quality in context, and establish how you can bring better quality to bear on growth metrics.

Learn best practices from over 120 of the world's best product & engineering teams

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Praise for leading quality

“Leading Quality is a comprehensive and practical guide to embedding quality into the DNA of any product organization.”

Nick Caldwall | Senior Director | Google

Nick Caldwall white


“This book is only the beginning of a big movement toward quality leadership within the industry.”

Dan Ashby | Head of Testing | eBay

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"An essential lesson in how to differentiate your product and business with quality."                         

Michael Lopp  | VP of engineering | Slack

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“Leading Quality will help QA professionals advocate for investing in quality at any stage of a company's growth.”

Susan Sonwalkar | QA and Automation Lead | Coinbase



"Every crisis of quality begins as a crisis of leadership. Leading Quality will help you avoid both kinds of trouble."

Jacmes Bach  |Author

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“‘Leading Quality’ suggest some fascinating ways of thinking to help leaders maximizing the transformation results"    

Ilya Sakharov | Director of QA | HelloFresh



About Ronald Cummings-John and Owais Peer

Ronald Cummings-John and Owais Peer are the founders of Global App Testing. They started the global app testing community in 2013 by testing apps in their bedroom. Today, the 90,000-strong community helps enterprise product businesses understand their product experiences better in 190 countries and territories around the world. 

Leading Quality was written to consolidate what they knew about how culture and leadership can impact global product quality; and how global product quality in turn can affect real business outcomes. If you're curious about how the business could work for you, send a message to one of our reps and we'll be back in touch.

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