
iOS App Beta Testing - Definitive Guide

Releasing a mobile app without thoroughly testing it can lead to a host of problems: frustrated users, negative reviews, and even app store rejections.
Beta testing allows you to uncover bugs, gather honest user feedback, and make essential adjustments before your app goes live. It's a critical step to avoid the traps of a premature launch and to ensure your app meets user expectations.

In this guide, we'll cover what iOS app beta testing entails and how to implement it effectively. You'll learn how to use this process to refine your app and deliver a polished, user-approved product. Let's start!

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What is iOS app Beta testing?

iOS app Beta testing involves releasing a nearly complete version of your app to a select group of users outside your internal team. These users interact with the app in real-world settings and provide feedback. The main goal is to identify issues not caught during internal testing and ensure the app performs well for everyone.

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What should you examine with Beta testing?

Beta testing looks at several critical aspects of the app to ensure it meets user expectations and performs well in real-world scenarios:

1. Functionality

Functionality ensures all features work correctly. Beta testers interact with various app features to verify their proper operation. For instance, if you are developing a ride-sharing app, you would check:

  • Ride booking: Ensure users can successfully book a ride, select pickup and drop-off locations, and see estimated fares.
  • Payment processing: Test if users can add payment methods, apply discount codes, and complete transactions without errors.
  • Notifications: Confirm that users receive timely notifications about driver arrival, ride status, and trip completion.

Example: During beta testing of the ride-sharing app, testers report that the "Cancel Ride" button occasionally fails. This feedback allows developers to fix the issue, ensuring a smoother user experience.

2. Usability

Usability checks if the app is intuitive and easy to navigate. This involves assessing the app's user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design.

Example: In a fitness tracking app, beta testers might evaluate:

  • Workout logging: Is the process of logging a workout straightforward? Can users easily select workout types, input details and save their sessions?
  • Progress tracking: Can users view their workout history and progress graphs without confusion?
  • Navigation: Can users effortlessly switch between different app sections, such as workout plans, nutrition guides, and progress reports?

Feedback might reveal that users find the navigation menu cluttered, prompting a redesign to simplify access to key features.

3. Performance

Performance assesses the app's speed and responsiveness, like monitoring how quickly it loads, how smoothly it runs, and how it handles various user actions.

Example: For a news app, performance testing might include:

  • Load times: Measuring how quickly articles load when users tap on them.
  • Scrolling smoothness: Ensuring that news feeds and articles are smooth and lag-free.
  • Resource usage: Checking if the app consumes excessive battery or causes the device to overheat during prolonged use.

Beta testers might report that the app takes too long to load images in articles, leading to optimizations that improve loading times.

4. Compatibility

Compatibility verifies that the app works well on different devices and iOS versions.

Example: In a social networking app, compatibility testing might cover:

  • Device variability: Testing on various iPhone and iPad models, from the latest releases to older devices.
  • iOS versions: Ensuring the app functions correctly on the latest iOS version and several previous versions.
  • Screen resolutions: Checking that the app's layout adapts to different screen sizes and resolutions.

Feedback could indicate that the app's layout breaks on older iPad models, leading to necessary adjustments for better compatibility.

5. Security

Security identifies any vulnerabilities that need fixing to protect user data and ensure secure interactions with the app.

Example: For a mobile banking app, security testing might involve:

  • Data encryption: Verifying that all sensitive data, such as account information and transaction details, is encrypted.
  • Authentication: Testing the robustness of login methods, including password strength requirements and multi-factor authentication.
  • Data privacy: Ensuring compliance with data protection regulations and that user data is not inadvertently exposed.

Beta testers might uncover a flaw in the app's password reset functionality, prompting immediate security patches to safeguard user accounts.

6. User feedback

User feedback gathers user opinions and suggestions for improvement. This qualitative data is invaluable for understanding how real users perceive the app and where they see room for improvement.

Example: In a language learning app, user feedback might include:

  • Lesson difficulty: Comments on whether the lessons are appropriately challenging or too easy/difficult.
  • Feature requests: Suggestions for new features, such as a built-in dictionary or voice recognition for pronunciation practice.
  • Overall satisfaction: General feedback on the user experience, design aesthetics, and app utility.

Testers might suggest adding a social feature to connect with other learners, leading to the development of a community section within the app.

Advantages and disadvantages of Beta testing


What to ask Beta testers?

To gather helpful feedback, ask beta testers specific questions:

  1. Functionality: Did you encounter any bugs or issues?
  2. Usability: Is the app intuitive and easy to navigate?
  3. Performance: How does the app perform on your device?
  4. Feedback: What did you like or dislike about the app?
  5. Suggestions: How can we improve the app?

Types of Beta testing

There are different types of beta testing, each with its own purpose:

  1. Closed Beta: A small, selected group of users test the app. This is useful for getting detailed feedback from a controlled group.
  2. Open Beta: The app is available to a larger audience, allowing for more extensive testing and feedback.
  3. Technical Beta: This beta focuses on getting feedback from users with technical expertise who can provide detailed insights into the app's performance and issues.
  4. Marketing Beta: Used to test the app's market readiness and gather user feedback on its features and appeal.

Finding the right moment for effective Beta testing

Timing is crucial for beta testing. If you start too early, you might get feedback on features that are still being developed. If you start too late, you might not have enough time to make the necessary changes.

Ideally, beta testing should begin when the app is feature-complete and thoroughly tested internally to ensure stability. This way, you get meaningful feedback and have enough time to make improvements before the official release.

How many Beta testers do you need and where to find them?

The number of beta testers can vary depending on your app's complexity and goals. A diverse group of 100-300 testers usually provides a good balance between getting meaningful feedback and managing the testing process.

For larger-scale testing, involving a few thousand users can offer comprehensive insights and uncover more issues. The key is to have a varied user base to cover different usage patterns and device types.

Finding the right beta testers is key to a successful beta test. Here are some sources:

  1. Existing users: Engage your current user base or newsletter subscribers.
  2. Social media: Use your social media channels to recruit testers.
  3. Beta testing communities: Platforms like BetaList, Betabound, and Reddit can help you find enthusiastic testers.
  4. Specialized services: Companies like Global App Testing, TestFlight, TestFairy, and UserTesting offer beta testing services and user recruitment.

Keeping your Beta testers engaged and motivated

Ensuring your beta testers remain engaged and motivated is important for gathering high-quality feedback and maximizing the effectiveness of your beta testing phase. Here are some strategies to keep your testers invested in the process:

  1. Offer incentives: Recognize and reward your testers for their time and effort. You can offer gift cards, exclusive app features, or even early access to new updates. Incentives show your appreciation and encourage continued participation.
  2. Acknowledge contributions: Publicly thank your testers for their valuable feedback. Consider creating a "Hall of Fame" within the app or acknowledging their contributions in your app's release notes or website. Recognition makes testers feel valued and can boost their motivation to continue providing feedback.
  3. Maintain open communication: Inform testers about updates and changes made in response to their feedback. Communicate regularly how their input is influencing the development process. This transparency builds trust and keeps testers engaged.
  4. Provide clear feedback channels: Make it easy for testers to report issues and share their thoughts. Implement simple, accessible feedback mechanisms within the app, such as built-in reporting tools or dedicated support channels. Ensure they know their feedback is being heard and acted upon.
  5. Engage with testers directly: Host Q&A sessions, webinars, or live chats where testers can ask questions, provide feedback, and engage with the development team. Personal interaction can increase their investment in the process.
  6. Make it fun: Gamify the testing experience by adding elements of competition or rewards. For instance, you might create leaderboards showcasing top contributors or offer badges for achieving certain milestones in testing. Adding a fun dimension can enhance motivation and participation.
  7. Share progress and results: Periodically share insights and results from the beta testing phase with your testers. Highlight key findings and how their input is shaping the final product. Seeing the impact of their feedback can motivate testers to stay involved.
  8. Respect their time: Ensure that the testing process is streamlined and respectful of their time. Avoid overly complex tasks or lengthy surveys. A smooth and efficient testing experience shows that you value their contributions and encourages continued participation.

How long should iOS app Beta testing take?

The duration of beta testing can vary, but it typically lasts 4-6 weeks. This period allows sufficient time for users to explore the app, identify issues, and for developers to make necessary adjustments.

However, the exact duration should be flexible based on the app's complexity and the volume of feedback received. Extending the testing period may be necessary if significant issues are found or if new features are added.

Importance of A/B Testing

A/B testing means comparing two versions of the app to determine which performs better. You can do this during beta testing to optimize features, design, and user experience. By showing different versions to different segments of testers, you can gather data on which version users prefer and why. This method is particularly useful for making data-driven decisions about UI/UX improvements and feature implementations.

Example: Optimizing the login screen

Imagine you are developing a fitness app and want to optimize the login screen to improve user engagement and retention. During beta testing, you decide to implement A/B testing for this critical part of the user journey.

  • Version A: This version features a traditional login screen with separate fields for email and password, a prominent login button, and a link to reset the password. The design is simple and straightforward, aiming to minimize distractions and guide users directly to logging in.
  • Version B: This version experiments with a more modern approach. It includes a social login option using Facebook or Google, a single sign-on field where users can enter either their email or username, and a visually appealing background image that aligns with the fitness theme of the app. Additionally, the login button is highlighted in vibrant color to attract attention.


1. Segmenting the testers: You randomly divide your beta testers into two groups. Group A gets Version A, and Group B gets Version B, ensuring you have a diverse and unbiased sample for each version.
2. Collecting data: You collect data on various metrics for both versions over a set period. These metrics include:

  • Login success rate: The percentage of users who successfully login.
  • Time to log in: The average time users take to complete the login process.
  • Drop-off rate: The percentage of users who abandon the login process before completion.
  • User feedback: Qualitative feedback on the login experience, gathered through surveys or direct feedback options within the app.


Analysis and insights

After collecting sufficient data, you analyze the results:

  • Version A: Shows a higher login success rate, indicating that users find the traditional login method reliable. However, the time to login is slightly longer, and the drop-off rate is higher than desired.
  • Version B: Exhibits a faster time to log in and a lower drop-off rate due to the convenience of social login options. User feedback highlights that the modern design and single sign-on field are appreciated for their simplicity and speed.

Making data-driven decisions

Based on the A/B testing results, you make informed decisions to enhance the login screen:

  • Combining elements: You decide to retain the traditional login fields from Version A but incorporate the social login options and the single sign-on field from Version B. This hybrid approach aims to combine the reliability of Version A with the convenience and modern appeal of Version B.
  • Design adjustments: The vibrant login button from Version B is retained to improve visibility and encourage quick action. The background image is also used to enhance visual appeal without compromising the app's overall simplicity.

The optimized login screen, combining the best elements of both versions, will be implemented and released in the next beta update. You continue to monitor the new login screen's performance to ensure that it meets the desired goals of improving user engagement and reducing drop-off rates.

iOS app Beta testing metrics

Another important aspect is tracking the right metrics during beta testing, which helps gauge the app's performance and user satisfaction. Important metrics include:

  1. Crash reports: Number and types of crashes experienced.
  2. Session length: Average duration of user sessions.
  3. Retention rate: Percentage of users who return after the first use.
  4. User engagement: How frequently users interact with the app.
  5. Feature usage: Which features are used most or least.
  6. Feedback volume: Amount and quality of feedback received.

After analyzing these metrics, you can identify areas for improvement and ensure your app is ready for a successful launch.

How can Global App Testing help?

Ensuring a consistent user experience is crucial for app success. Global App Testing (GAT) offers a competitive edge by providing real-world testing across 190+ countries with over 90,000 testers. We cover a broad spectrum of devices, operating systems (including iOS), and network conditions to ensure comprehensive testing.

Our flexible testing options accommodate both native apps and mobile browsers, facilitating efficient iterations and faster releases. With seamless integration into leading bug tracking and project management tools, you can easily access categorized test case results, detailed bug reports, and valuable user feedback.


Our rigorous security and compliance testing, including GDPR and ISO27001 standards, guarantees that your app remains secure and user data is protected. Whether it's functional, usability, localization, regression, or performance testing, GAT ensures your app performs optimally and meets global user expectations.

Schedule a call with our specialist today and let us help you create a perfect app!

We can help you drive iOS app beta testing as a key initiative aligned to your business goals

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