
Smoke Testing vs Regression Testing - In-depth Comparison

In software development, testing can make or break a project. A small bug left unnoticed until the last minute can be costly and frustrating, which is why smoke testing and regression testing are so important. Both are essential, but they have a different purpose.
In this post, we will explain both methods and why they matter using relatable examples and practical scenarios.

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What is smoke testing?

Smoke testing is a quick, initial check of the core functionalities of your software. After new code is added or an update is made, it's the first round of testing to ensure that the most basic and essential parts of the system are still working. It's not meant to go deep into the details or check every possible scenario but rather to catch big, obvious issues early on.


Think of it like this: if you're redecorating a house, before worrying about the details, you first make sure the lights turn on, the water runs, and the doors lock. If those basic things aren't working, there's no point in checking if the couch looks good in the living room.

How smoke testing works

Smoke testing focuses on a handful of critical tests that verify the core functions of the software:

  • If these tests pass, it means the build is stable enough to proceed with more in-depth testing. 
  • If they fail, the build is flagged for immediate fixes before moving forward.


Smoke testing can be automated or done manually, depending on the size and complexity of the project.

Example scenario

Let's take a social media platform as an example. You've introduced a new feature allowing users to post stories. After this feature is added, smoke tests would ensure that:

  • The app still loads.
  • Users can log in.
  • The main feed displays properly.

If the app crashes on the login screen after introducing the new feature, smoke testing will catch that immediately. This allows you to fix the problem before proceeding with more detailed tests.

Key takeaways:

  • Quick, high-level testing to verify the basic functions of the software.
  • Typically run after each new build or update.
  • Useful for catching big, obvious problems early on.

The role of manual testing in smoke testing

While smoke tests are often automated, manual smoke testing is still important in certain situations. Manual testing is especially useful in cases where human judgment is required, such as user interface (UI) changes. For example, a smoke test for a new visual layout or design element might benefit from manual inspection to ensure the look and feel align with user expectations.


Manual smoke testing can also help uncover issues that automation might miss, especially for applications with complex workflows or multi-step processes that are difficult to automate effectively.

The role of crowdtesting in smoke testing

Crowdtesting represents a large group of real users to test the software in various real-world environments. While not typically used as part of smoke testing in a traditional sense, crowdtesting can be a valuable addition, particularly when verifying that the basic features of the application work across a wide range of devices, platforms, and network conditions.

For example, crowdtesters can help check whether a newly updated social media app works correctly on older phone models, slower internet connections, or less common browsers. This kind of smoke testing helps ensure that the app is accessible and functional for a broader user base.


What is regression testing?

While smoke testing gives a quick "is it broken?" check, regression testing digs deeper to ensure that new changes haven't broken anything that used to work. Regression tests are more thorough and cover the entire application, verifying that both new and existing features function correctly together.


Regression testing is like going back through the house after redecorating, testing everything from the electricity to the plumbing to make sure nothing was damaged during the renovations. Even small changes to the software can cause unexpected issues elsewhere, so regression testing ensures the stability of the whole system.

How regression testing works

When you introduce new features or bug fixes, regression testing runs a comprehensive set of tests that cover both the new changes and existing functionality. The goal is to make sure that any updates haven't unintentionally broken parts of the system that were previously working. It's a more in-depth process than smoke testing, often involving many test cases, and it can be automated to save time.


Automated regression testing tools can re-run large test suites after every change, catching subtle issues that might otherwise go unnoticed. In larger projects, where there are hundreds or even thousands of test cases, this is a huge time saver.

Example scenario

Let's go back to the social media app. After introducing the "post a story" feature, regression tests would check that:

  • Users can still like and comment on regular posts.
  • Notifications for new posts still work.
  • The settings page, direct messaging, and profile edits haven't been affected.

During regression testing, you might discover that the new story feature unintentionally caused the notification system to break. Even though the new feature itself works fine, regression testing catches these kinds of issues to prevent users from experiencing bugs in other parts of the app.

Key takeaways:

  • Thorough testing to ensure that new changes haven't broken anything else.
  • Focuses on both new and existing features.
  • More comprehensive than smoke testing and often automated.

The role of manual testing in regression testing

Manual regression testing is usually the choice in cases where automated tests can't cover all the necessary scenarios. While automation handles the bulk of repetitive test cases, there are situations where manual testers must explore more complex workflows or edge cases that might not be included in automated test scripts.


For example, manual testers can simulate real user behavior, trying unusual or less common paths through the software that automation may miss. Manual regression testing can be particularly useful in testing new features that involve heavy interaction with the user interface or complex logic, which might require a human touch to fully assess.

The role of crowdtesting in regression testing

Crowdtesting can be a powerful tool for regression testing, especially when you need to ensure that the new changes haven't broken functionality for a diverse user base across different environments. Crowdtesting allows real users to test on a variety of devices, operating systems, and network conditions, providing a more comprehensive view of the software's behavior in the real world.


In regression testing, crowdtesters can help uncover issues that automated tests or in-house testers might miss. For example, they might find that the new "post a story" feature works on iOS but crashes on Android, or that it behaves differently on a 4G network versus Wi-Fi. These insights are valuable for ensuring the software functions properly for all users.

When to use smoke testing vs. regression testing

Both smoke and regression testing are important, but they're used at different times and for different reasons. Here's a clear breakdown of when to use each:

Use smoke testing when:

  • Small changes are made, like bug fixes or minor tweaks.
  • You need a quick check to confirm that the system is still functional after updates.
  • You want to save time and avoid running full tests if there are obvious issues that need fixing first.

Smoke testing is great for catching critical issues early on, giving developers quick feedback on whether their latest changes have caused any major disruptions.

Use regression testing when:

  • Major changes are made, like adding new features or modifying core functionality.
  • You need to ensure that existing features still work correctly alongside new updates.
  • You want to prevent unexpected side effects from code changes.

Regression testing is crucial for maintaining stability, especially in larger projects with many interconnected parts.

Automation: Making testing faster and more efficient

Both smoke and regression testing can benefit from automation. In scenarios where code is updated frequently, automated tests help ensure that the system remains stable without requiring manual intervention for every change.

Automating smoke testing

Smoke tests are relatively quick and simple, making them perfect for automation. Automated smoke tests can be integrated into the continuous integration (CI) process, meaning they run automatically every time new code is pushed. This allows the team to catch major issues early and get fast feedback on whether the build is functional.

Automating regression testing

Regression tests involve more comprehensive test suites, which can be time-consuming if done manually. Automation tools like Selenium and JUnit can run large sets of regression tests efficiently, ensuring that every change is thoroughly checked without slowing down the development process. Automation reduces the manual effort involved in repetitive testing and helps teams focus on fixing issues rather than constantly running tests.

Common challenges and best practices

While both smoke and regression testing are valuable, there are challenges associated with each.

Smoke testing challenges:

  • Limited scope: Since smoke tests only check the basics, they can miss deeper issues.
  • Not a substitute for full testing: Passing a smoke test doesn't mean the software is bug-free. It's just the first step.

Best practice: Use smoke tests as a quick check to catch obvious issues, but always follow up with more thorough testing (like regression) if needed.

Regression testing challenges:

  • Time-consuming: Regression testing can take longer due to its comprehensive nature, especially if done manually.
  • Maintenance: As software evolves, the test suite needs to be updated to reflect new features and changes.

Best practice: Automate regression tests as much as possible to save time and ensure consistency. Regularly review and update your test suite to avoid bloat and keep it relevant.


Both smoke testing and regression testing are important in maintaining the quality of the software as it evolves. Smoke testing provides a quick, high-level check of the system's core functionality, helping catch major issues early, while regression testing ensures that new changes don't interfere with the rest of the system.

Manual testing adds value when human judgment and complex scenarios need to be explored, and crowdtesting provides real-world insights across various environments and device setups. Along with automation, these approaches help teams deliver stable, reliable software across different use cases and users.

What does Global App Testing offer?

Global App Testing (GAT) provides a comprehensive solution for both smoke and regression testing, ensuring that software applications maintain high quality and functionality throughout the development lifecycle.


Key features of Global App Testing:

  • User-friendly test management: GAT provides an intuitive platform for creating and managing tests seamlessly, allowing teams to focus on quality assurance without getting bogged down by complex processes.
  • Extensive tester network: With over 90,000 testers globally, GAT offers comprehensive test coverage across multiple environments and devices, ensuring diverse perspectives on application performance.
  • Fast execution: Tests are executed swiftly, with results typically delivered within a range of 60-150 minutes. However, turnaround times may vary based on the complexity of the tests being conducted.
  • Detailed reporting: GAT delivers in-depth bug reports within 24–36 hours, including videos and screenshots to provide clear context for identified issues. This facilitates faster resolution by development teams.
  • Seamless integrations: GAT integrates with popular project management tools like Jira, TestRail, Zephyr, and GitHub. These integrations enhance workflow efficiency by allowing teams to manage testing efforts alongside their development processes.

Our approach not only improves overall user satisfaction but also ensures that applications are bug-free and market-ready.

Reach out to one of our specialists today to learn how we can support your testing needs!

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