
Smoke vs. Sanity Testing - What's The Difference

Consider this: you've just cooked a cake. Before serving, take a little slice to see if it's fully baked – similar to how smoke testing works in software development. Later, suppose you decide to add a last-minute layer of icing; then, you need to be sure it enriches the cake rather than damaging it. In that case, this is similar to sanity testing. Both procedures are necessary for making the perfect dessert, as smoke and sanity testing are required to produce high-quality software.

This blog post explores what makes each unique, how they contribute to the overall testing strategy, and why both are indispensable for software quality assurance.

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Smoke vs. Sanity Testing – The essence

First, it's essential to understand the objectives of smoke and sanity testing to appreciate their value.

Smoke testing focuses on the big picture. It's like entering a room and checking if the lights work, the doors open, and the windows close. You're ensuring that the system's critical elements are functioning properly and that it is stable enough for more detailed inspection. In software terms, smoke testing is a preliminary check designed to catch glaring issues that would make further testing unproductive.


On the other hand, sanity testing is more targeted. After confirming that the main components are functioning, sanity testing checks if specific changes – like new features or bug fixes – haven't disrupted the system. It's like making sure that a newly installed chandelier works well with the existing lighting setup. Sanity testing validates specific functionality without rechecking the entire system.

Smoke vs. Sanity Testing: Scope and focus

Another key difference between smoke and sanity testing is their scope.

Smoke testing has a broad scope but is relatively shallow. It's a quick, overarching check of the entire system to confirm that core functionalities are intact. Think of it as a high-level scan—a safety check before diving deeper.

In contrast, sanity testing has a narrower focus but is more detailed. It zooms in on specific areas where changes have been made, such as newly added features or applied bug fixes. Sanity testing ensures that recent changes align with the overall system and haven't introduced new issues.

Smoke vs. Sanity Testing: Timing

Timing is crucial in determining when to apply smoke or sanity testing.

Smoke testing is the first line of defense and is typically performed immediately after a new build is released. Its purpose is to ensure the build is stable enough for more rigorous testing. If smoke testing reveals significant issues, the build is rejected, and the testing process halts until those issues are resolved.

Sanity testing, however, comes into play after specific changes have been made to the software – whether fixing a bug, adding a new feature, or making small updates. It's often used when there isn't enough time for thorough testing. However, a quick check is necessary to ensure that recent changes haven't disrupted the overall system.

Smoke vs. Sanity Testing: Who performs the testing?

The execution of these tests also differs significantly.

Smoke testing can be performed by both developers and testers. It's usually documented and scripted, making it easier to automate. This structured approach ensures consistency, especially when tests need to be repeated across multiple builds.

Sanity testing, on the other hand, is typically carried out by testers and is often unscripted. This flexibility allows testers to adapt quickly to the specific requirements of the testing scenario, focusing on the areas that need the most attention.

Advantages of Smoke vs. Sanity Testing


Acceptance vs. Regression Testing

It's also important to understand the role of smoke and sanity testing within the broader testing landscape:

Smoke testing is a type of acceptance testing used to quickly determine whether the software build is stable enough for further testing. It is the initial step in ensuring the system is prepared for more in-depth examination.

Sanity testing, however, is a subset of regression testing. It ensures that recent changes or updates haven't negatively impacted the existing functionality. By focusing on specific areas, sanity testing helps maintain system integrity as it evolves.

Smoke vs. Sanity Testing: Build stability

The stability of the software build also differentiates smoke testing from sanity testing:

Smoke testing is conducted on builds that may be either stable or unstable. The primary objective is to determine whether the build is stable enough to warrant further testing. If the build passes the smoke test, it moves on to more detailed testing; if not, it's sent back for revisions.

Sanity testing, however, is performed on relatively stable builds. Here, the focus is verifying that specific changes have been implemented correctly without introducing new defects. Sanity testing is less about overall build stability and more about the integrity of recent changes.

Automation: The role of technology

The role of automation in smoke and sanity testing also varies.

Smoke testing is highly automated because of its scripted nature. This makes it an efficient choice for repeated execution, especially in continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, where consistency and speed are crucial.

Sanity testing, on the other hand, is less likely to be automated. Its unscripted nature and focus on specific areas make it more suited to manual testing, where the tester's intuition and experience play a significant role.

Real-world analogies: Making the concepts tangible

To make these concepts more relatable, consider the following analogies.

Smoke Testing: Imagine you've just built a house. Before moving in, you check the essential systems – like electricity, plumbing, and heating – to ensure they work correctly. This is smoke testing: a high-level check to confirm that the most critical systems are functional before diving into more detailed inspections.

Sanity Testing: Now, suppose you renovate the kitchen. After the renovation, you wouldn't need to recheck the entire house – just the kitchen. You'd verify that the new appliances work, the plumbing is intact, and no new issues have been introduced. This is sanity testing: a focused check to ensure specific changes haven't negatively affected the overall system.


Conclusion: The synergy of Smoke and Sanity Testing

In software development, both smoke and sanity testing are indispensable. Smoke testing acts as the initial safeguard, ensuring that the software's basic functionalities are intact and stable enough for further testing. Sanity testing provides a more focused examination, verifying that recent changes have been implemented correctly and haven't disrupted the existing system.

Understanding and effectively applying smoke and sanity testing allows development teams to catch potential issues early, maintain software quality, and deliver a product that meets users' expectations.

How to perform Smoke and Sanity Testing with Global App Testing (GAT)

Executing smoke and sanity tests using Global App Testing (GAT) is straightforward and efficient. To run a smoke test, simply log into your GAT dashboard, input or upload the relevant test cases, and click "launch." Your results can be delivered in as little as two hours, quickly verifying your software's stability.


GAT's express tests offer the speed and convenience of automated tests while maintaining the accuracy of manual testing. Moreover, GAT integrates seamlessly with popular tools like Jira, TestRail, GitHub, Slack, and Zephyr, allowing you to launch tests and receive results directly within your team's preferred workflow.


GAT often runs a quick preliminary test for smoke testing to ensure that the software is stable and that more detailed testing is worth pursuing. To write effective test cases, start by identifying the critical areas of your product suitable for a smoke test. Break down the core functionalities of each area into step-by-step processes, document these as test cases, and execute them systematically, marking each step as "pass" or "fail." By avoiding ad hoc testing and following a structured approach, you can ensure the accuracy and reliability of your tests.


Schedule a call with our specialist today and experience the efficiency of express testing with seamless integration into your existing workflows!

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