
The Only Mobile App Testing Checklist To Release App

Mobile apps are everywhere these days. When you release an app, you're competing with thousands — if not millions — of others offering similar features. Every app needs to be flawless from the start, so missing a bug during testing can frustrate users, leading them to uninstall your app. Shockingly, nearly half of all apps are uninstalled within just a month of being downloaded.

That's why a mobile app testing checklist is essential to ensure you cover all the critical aspects before launching. This text will guide you through everything you need to check and double-check to ensure your app is ready for the market.

We can help you drive mobile app testing as a key initiative aligned to your business goals

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What should every mobile app testing checklist have?

Every mobile app testing checklist should include key areas to ensure the app functions as expected across various devices and environments. Here's a list of essential items to include in your checklist:

  • Functional testing: Ensure all features work as intended, without errors or unexpected behavior.
  • Usability testing: Confirm that the app is easy to use and provides a smooth user experience.
  • Compatibility testing: Test the app on different devices, operating systems, and screen sizes to ensure it works across various platforms.
  • Performance testing: Check the app's speed, responsiveness, and resource usage, such as battery and memory consumption.
  • Security testing: Verify that the app protects user data and is free from vulnerabilities.
  • Network testing: Test how the app performs in different network conditions, including low bandwidth or no connectivity.
  • Localization testing: Ensure the app adapts to various languages and regions without issues.
  • Accessibility testing: Confirm the app is usable by people with disabilities and supporting features like screen readers and keyboard navigation.

Mobile app testing checklist

Now, let’s go through each key segment of the mobile app testing checklist in more detail.

Functional testing checklist

Functional testing ensures that all app features work as expected. Here are few examples of what should you check:

  • Verify user registration and login processes.
  • Check password reset and recovery functionality.
  • Test all navigation flows and transitions between screens.
  • Ensure that forms accept, validate, and submit data correctly.
  • Test search functionality and filters.
  • Check all in-app links and external redirects.
  • Verify that media (images, videos, files) load and display correctly.
  • Test shopping cart and checkout processes (if applicable).
  • Ensure social media sharing and integrations work.
  • Validate the correct functioning of push notifications.
  • Test the app’s interaction with device hardware (camera, GPS, etc.).
  • Check for proper in-app purchase functionality (if applicable).
  • Verify user profile management features, including editing and saving.
  • Test logout and session expiration scenarios.
  • Check if all error messages are displayed properly and handled correctly.


Usability testing checklist

Usability testing ensures the app provides a seamless and intuitive user experience. Here's a checklist for usability testing:

  • Verify that app navigation is intuitive and easy to understand.
  • Check the app’s overall design consistency across screens.
  • Test the visibility and accessibility of key functions.
  • Ensure that buttons, links, and icons are easy to identify and use.
  • Check that touch targets are appropriately sized for tapping.
  • Test the readability of text, including font size and contrast.
  • Verify that error messages are clear and provide guidance.
  • Ensure the app responds well to gestures like swiping, pinching, and scrolling.
  • Check how easy it is to complete core tasks (e.g., search, purchase, send).
  • Test the app’s performance on different screen orientations (portrait/landscape).
  • Verify the consistency of design and interactions with platform-specific guidelines 
  • Ensure there are no unnecessary steps or actions for the user.
  • Test the app's responsiveness to user input and interactions.
  • Check for accessibility to non-tech-savvy users.
  • Verify the app maintains usability when multitasking or switching between apps.


Compatibility testing checklist

Compatibility testing ensures the app functions properly across different devices, platforms, and environments. Here's a checklist for compatibility testing:

  • Verify the app works on various screen sizes and resolutions.
  • Test compatibility across different operating systems (iOS, Android, etc.).
  • Check the app on different OS versions, including older ones.
  • Test app behavior on different device models and brands.
  • Verify the app functions correctly on tablets and smartphones.
  • Test performance in both landscape and portrait modes.
  • Ensure compatibility with different network types (Wi-Fi, 4G, 5G).
  • Check for proper functionality with third-party APIs or services.
  • Test compatibility with various browsers for web-based features.
  • Verify app behavior when switching between different network conditions.
  • Test the app's performance in dark and light modes (if supported).
  • Ensure correct rendering of fonts and icons across platforms.
  • Check for proper behavior with various input methods (touch, stylus, keyboard).
  • Verify compatibility with different screen refresh rates (standard, 120Hz, etc.).
  • Test app functionality when Bluetooth or other device connections are enabled.


Performance testing checklist

Performance testing ensures that the app operates efficiently under various conditions. Here's a checklist for performance testing:

  • Measure app load time from launch to ready state.
  • Test app responsiveness to user interactions.
  • Verify app performance when multitasking or switching between apps.
  • Monitor CPU and memory usage during normal and heavy use.
  • Test battery consumption during app usage.
  • Check for any delays or lag during screen transitions or animations.
  • Test the app's behavior under low battery conditions.
  • Measure the app's download and installation time.
  • Verify app performance when multiple background processes are running.
  • Test the app’s performance when data storage is nearly full.
  • Check for app stability during continuous, long-term use.
  • Test app behavior under varying user loads (e.g., during high traffic).
  • Monitor the app’s network data usage during various tasks.
  • Verify that the app recovers smoothly from crashes or forced terminations.

Security testing checklist

Security testing ensures the app protects user data and is resistant to vulnerabilities. Here's a checklist for security testing:

  • Verify that user authentication processes (login, logout) are secure.
  • Test password storage and encryption methods.
  • Check for secure data transmission using HTTPS/SSL.
  • Ensure sensitive data is not stored in logs or cache.
  • Test protection against SQL injection and other code injection attacks.
  • Verify session management, including timeout and session expiration.
  • Check for vulnerabilities in third-party libraries or frameworks.
  • Test the app’s response to brute-force attacks.
  • Verify that error messages do not reveal sensitive information.
  • Test the app’s encryption of locally stored data (e.g., on-device storage).
  • Check the security of APIs and backend services the app interacts with.
  • Test for proper implementation of multi-factor authentication (if applicable).
  • Ensure proper handling of app permissions for accessing device features.

Network testing checklist

Network testing ensures the app performs well under different network conditions. Here's a checklist for network testing:

  • Test app behavior with different network types (Wi-Fi, 4G, 5G, etc.).
  • Verify app performance in low bandwidth conditions.
  • Check app functionality when switching between networks (e.g., Wi-Fi to mobile data).
  • Verify how the app handles a sudden loss of network connection.
  • Test data synchronization in both online and offline modes.
  • Check if the app gracefully resumes operations after reconnecting to a network.
  • Test network timeout handling for requests or data transfers.
  • Check how the app handles network errors and displays appropriate messages.
  • Test the impact of poor network quality on app performance.
  • Verify that network usage is optimized to minimize data consumption.
  • Test app behavior with proxy or VPN connections enabled.

Localization testing checklist

Localization testing ensures the app works correctly across different languages, regions, and cultural settings. Here's a checklist for localization testing:

  • Verify that all text is translated correctly for each supported language.
  • Ensure that date and time formats match regional settings.
  • Test currency formats for different regions.
  • Check number formats (e.g., decimal, thousands of separators) for various locales.
  • Verify that UI elements resize correctly for different language lengths.
  • Test that cultural references, icons, and images are appropriate for each locale.
  • Ensure that language-specific characters and symbols are displayed correctly.
  • Check that all language inputs (e.g., typing, voice input) work as expected.
  • Verify proper right-to-left (RTL) text rendering for applicable languages.
  • Verify that location-based services adapt to regional differences.
  • Ensure the app handles region-specific laws or restrictions (e.g., data privacy) properly.

Accessibility testing checklist

Accessibility testing ensures that the app is usable by people with various disabilities. Here's a checklist for accessibility testing:

  • Verify that all interactive elements are keyboard accessible.
  • Check that screen readers can interpret and read all UI elements.
  • Ensure text contrast meets accessibility standards for readability.
  • Test for alternative text descriptions for images and non-text content.
  • Verify proper labeling of form fields and input elements.
  • Check that all videos have captions or transcripts available.
  • Ensure the app supports assistive technologies, like voice commands.
  • Test colorblind accessibility by checking color usage and combinations.
  • Ensure that focus indicators are visible when navigating through elements.
  • Check for sufficient spacing between touch targets to prevent accidental taps.
  • Test functionality with high-contrast modes or themes enabled.
  • Check for options to customize text size and appearance for readability.


Checklist to use

Here is a copiable checklist for mobile app testing that you can use or modify according to your needs.

Functionality Testing

Verify user registration, login, and password recovery processes.
☐Pending ☐Done
Test navigation flows, in-app links, and transitions between screens.
☐Pending ☐Done
Ensure forms accept and validate data; check search functionality.
☐Pending ☐Done
Verify media display, shopping cart functions (if applicable), and social media integrations.
☐Pending ☐Done
Validate push notifications and app interactions with device hardware.
☐Pending ☐Done

Usability Testing

Ensure intuitive navigation and design consistency across screens.
☐Pending ☐Done
Verify visibility of key functions and readability of text.
☐Pending ☐Done
Test responsiveness to user interactions, gestures, and core tasks.
☐Pending ☐Done
Check app performance across different orientations and multitasking scenarios.
☐Pending ☐Done

Compatibility Testing

Verify functionality across various devices, OS versions, and screen sizes.
☐Pending ☐Done
Test app performance in landscape and portrait modes and across different networks.
☐Pending ☐Done
Ensure compatibility with third-party APIs and services, as well as various browsers.
☐Pending ☐Done

Performance Testing

Measure app load time, responsiveness, and resource usage under normal and heavy loads.
☐Pending ☐Done
Check battery consumption, stability during long-term use, and behavior under varying user loads.
☐Pending ☐Done
Verify the app's recovery from crashes and performance during network interruptions.
☐Pending ☐Done

Security Testing

Verify secure user authentication, password storage, and data transmission.
☐Pending ☐Done
Check for vulnerabilities in code and third-party libraries; ensure proper session management.
☐Pending ☐Done
Validate access controls, error message handling, and data encryption.
☐Pending ☐Done

Network Testing

Test app behavior across different network types, including low bandwidth and intermittent connectivity.
☐Pending ☐Done
Verify data synchronization in online and offline modes and handling of network errors.
☐Pending ☐Done

Localization Testing

Verify correct translation of text, date, time, and currency formats for each supported language.
☐Pending ☐Done
Check resizing of UI elements for different languages and appropriateness of cultural references.
☐Pending ☐Done
Ensure right-to-left text rendering and functionality of region-specific content.
☐Pending ☐Done

Accessibility Testing

Ensure keyboard accessibility and compatibility with screen readers.
☐Pending ☐Done
Check text contrast, alternative text for images, and support for assistive technologies.
☐Pending ☐Done
Verify navigability without a mouse and proper handling of high-contrast modes.
☐Pending ☐Done


Mobile app testing ensures your software application meets end-user requirements and business objectives. This comprehensive checklist covers various aspects of testing, including functionality, usability, compatibility, performance, security, network, localization, and accessibility. When you use the appropriate tools and conduct detailed analyses, you can achieve measurable improvements in your app's success.


How can we assist?

Global App Testing (GAT) is a valuable platform for optimizing mobile app testing. It utilizes a global network of 90,000 professional testers from 190+ countries and provides fast test results and actionable insights. GAT ensures your mobile app is thoroughly tested across real-world environments, enhancing quality and speeding up development.

Key features include:

  • Crowdtesting network: Access diverse testers to simulate real-world usage on various devices, platforms, and operating systems.
  • Quick turnaround: Rapid test execution delivers results within hours, enabling continuous testing and faster development cycles.
  • Actionable insights: Detailed bug reports with reproducibility steps, screenshots, and videos enable quick issue resolution.
  • CI/CD integration: Seamless integration with tools like Jira, GitHub, TestRail, and Zephyr triggers automated tests with every code change, improving overall app quality.
  • Scalability: Easily scale testing efforts based on app size and release requirements, ensuring all critical user paths are thoroughly tested.
    Some of the mobile app testing services we offer:
  • Testing types: Functional, UX/UI, exploratory, regression, performance, compatibility, accessibility, localization, and content guideline compliance testing.
  • Specialized services: Bias assessment, red team testing, and AI Act compliance verification.

Sign up now to arrange a call and discover how GAT can meet your mobile app testing needs!

We can help you drive mobile app testing as a key initiative aligned to your business goals

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