
What Are The Fundamentals of Software Testing?

It's easy to get caught up in the details of software testing – focusing on individual test cases, bugs, and technicalities – while losing sight of the bigger picture. Just like missing the forest for the trees, we sometimes forget the fundamental principles that guide a reliable testing process. Software testing fundamentals are essential for building a strong foundation, streamlining workflows, improving quality, and ensuring we're not just fixing isolated issues but delivering a robust product overall.

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What is software testing?

Suppose you've recently created an app that helps users organize their daily schedules by integrating their to-do lists with real-time weather updates and location-based reminders. Before you share it with the world, you need to ensure that every feature works flawlessly – from syncing with weather services to triggering reminders when users arrive at specific locations.

So, you use software testing to evaluate your application to ensure it performs correctly under various conditions. The goal isn't just to identify bugs or defects but also to validate that the software meets its intended requirements and performs reliably.
Think of it like test-driving a car before you buy it. You want to know it works, handles well, and won't break down as soon as you take it off the lot. For example, in testing a to-do list app, you'd want to check whether users can add, delete, or mark tasks as complete. You might also test how the app behaves if there's a sudden power loss or when someone tries to add a thousand tasks at once.


Why do you need software testing?

Let's say you skip testing and launch that to-do list app. It works fine for a few users, but suddenly, your customer support is flooded with complaints – users are losing their saved tasks, or the app crashes whenever they try to use it in a specific way. The result? Frustrated users, bad reviews, and possibly a tarnished brand image.

Testing helps you avoid these scenarios by catching issues before users do. It's like proofreading a book before publication – essential for making sure the product is polished and ready for the world. Testing ensures your software:

  • Works reliably under expected and unexpected conditions.
  • Delivers a good user experience so customers stay loyal.
  • Meets business goals and doesn't fall short of requirements.

What are the fundamentals of software testing?

Software testing is built on a few key principles that guide the process:

  • Test early and often: The sooner you start testing, the easier it is to fix issues. For example, testing as soon as you complete a feature, rather than waiting until the entire app is built, saves time and effort.
  • You can't test everything: Exhaustive testing isn't practical, especially with complex software. Instead, prioritize key areas – like making sure users can save tasks in your to-do app – rather than checking every possible combination of inputs.
  • The Pesticide Paradox: Running the same tests over and over might help you catch the obvious bugs, but it can miss other issues. For example, if you always test your app with the same inputs (like five tasks), you may miss bugs that occur when users add hundreds of tasks. Mix up your testing to catch different problems.
  • Bug clustering: Bugs often show up in clusters, meaning a few parts of the software are more error-prone. Once you find a bug in a particular feature (say, task deletion in the to-do app), it's worth digging deeper to see if more issues are hiding there.

What can you achieve with software testing?

Effective software testing allows you to launch confidently, knowing your product is solid. Here's what you can achieve:

  • Fewer bugs in production: Catching bugs early means fewer issues for your users to deal with later.
  • Happy customers: A smooth, bug-free experience means satisfied users who are more likely to stick around.
  • Cost savings: Fixing a bug during development is far cheaper than patching it post-launch.
  • Improved security: Testing can uncover security vulnerabilities that might expose user data 
    or allow malicious attacks.

For instance, imagine testing a new feature in your app that lets users sync tasks across devices. Thorough testing for Android or iOS ensures that users' tasks remain intact when they switch between their phone and tablet, leading to a more seamless and enjoyable experience.

What happens if you don’t perform software testing?

Let's take a scenario: you've skipped testing, and your to-do list app is now live. At first, users are thrilled, but within a week, issues start cropping up:

  • App crashes: Whenever users try to delete completed tasks, the app shuts down unexpectedly.
  • Lost data: Users report that sometimes, after closing and reopening the app, their tasks have disappeared.
  • Security flaws: Some savvy users discover they can access others' task lists due to a data leak.

Without proper testing, these issues slip through, leading to bad reviews, lost customers, and even potential legal issues in the case of security breaches.

Benefits of software testing


Drawbacks of software testing


Types and levels of software testing

There are several types and levels of testing, each with a specific purpose in ensuring your software works correctly.

Types of testing:

  • Functional Testing: Checks if the software's core functions work as expected. For your to-do app, this would include testing if users can add, edit, and delete tasks.
  • Performance Testing: Measures how well the software performs under different conditions. For instance, how does the to-do app behave when hundreds of tasks are added at once? Does it slow down or crash?
  • Security Testing: Ensures the app is secure and free from vulnerabilities. Does your app protect user data effectively? Can it withstand hacking attempts?
  • Usability Testing: Focuses on the user experience. Is the app easy to navigate? Do users find it intuitive?

Levels of testing:

  • Unit Testing: Testing individual components or units of code. For example, testing the function that adds a new task to make sure it works independently.
  • Integration Testing: Ensures that different components work together. For instance, checking if syncing tasks between devices works smoothly in your to-do app.
  • System Testing: Verifies the entire system as a whole. Does the app meet its overall requirements and handle various real-world scenarios?
  • Acceptance Testing: Confirms that the software meets business and user needs before release.


Automated vs Manual testing

A major decision in testing is whether to use manual or automated testing – or a combination of both.

Manual testing:

Manual testing involves human testers interacting with the app to identify issues. It's useful for:

  • Exploratory Testing: Where testers explore the software freely to find bugs.
  • Usability Testing: Where the focus is on user experience and feedback.

For example, a manual tester might explore your to-do app to check if the user interface is intuitive and if the features work as expected.

Automated testing:

Automated testing uses scripts and tools to run test cases automatically. It's ideal for:

  • Regression Testing: Ensuring that old features work after adding new code.
  • Load Testing: Simulating high volumes of users or data to see how the system performs under pressure.

For your to-do app, you might use automated tests to repeatedly check that tasks can be added, saved, and synced without errors.

When is software testing done, and who does it?

A common misconception is that software testing only happens at the end of development. In reality, testing is a continuous process that should be integrated into every stage of the software development lifecycle (SDLC). Let's examine when testing occurs and who is responsible for carrying it out.


When is software testing done?

Software testing is done throughout various stages of development, not just at the end. Here's how it fits into the typical SDLC:

1. During requirements gathering: 
Even before a single line of code is written, testers can work with business analysts and developers to understand requirements. This helps create test cases that ensure the software meets business and user needs.
Example: For your to-do app, testers might create tests that ensure tasks can be added, saved, synced, and deleted based on the project requirements.

2. During development:
As developers write code, they perform unit tests and integration tests to ensure the individual components work as intended.
Example: When developers build the "add task" feature, they run tests to ensure it functions properly before proceeding to other features.

3. After development (System Testing):
Once the software is built, system-level testing is performed to ensure that all components work together. This is where functional, performance, and security testing often take place.
Example: Testers will check whether users can add multiple tasks, sync them across devices, and identify any performance bottlenecks.

4. Before release (Acceptance Testing):
At this stage, user acceptance testing (UAT) ensures that the software meets business objectives and is ready for real-world use. This is often the final testing phase before launch.
Example: A group of users might test your to-do app to see if it fulfills their needs and behaves as expected in various scenarios.

5. After deployment (Maintenance Testing):
Even after the software is released, testing continues, especially when updates or new features are introduced. Regression testing ensures that existing functionality remains unaffected by new changes.
Example: When you introduce a new feature, like task reminders, testers run checks to ensure that the existing task list functionality is still working perfectly.


With Global App Testing, you can launch testing regardless of the stage of your software's development cycle, which ensures you have a thoroughly tested product anytime you need it.

Who does software testing?

Several roles are involved in software testing, each contributing in different ways. Here's a breakdown of who's responsible for testing at various stages:

1. Developers:

  • Unit Testing: Developers write and run unit tests to check that individual functions or modules work correctly. This type of testing is typically automated.
  • Integration Testing: Developers also perform integration testing to ensure different system modules work well together.
  • Example: A developer working on the "add task" functionality will write unit tests to ensure the feature works as expected before integrating it with the rest of the system.

2. Quality Assurance (QA) Testers:

  • Functional Testing: QA testers check if the software's features meet the requirements.
  • Manual and Exploratory Testing: They manually explore the app to find bugs that automated tests might miss.
  • Regression Testing: QA testers often run regression tests to ensure new updates don't break existing functionality.
  • Example: A QA tester might test whether a user can delete a task and undo that deletion and ensure the app handles this process smoothly across different devices.

3. Automated Test Engineers:

  • Automated Testing: These specialists design and write scripts to automate repetitive testing tasks, especially for regression testing or performance testing.
  • Example: An automated test engineer might write a script to test the performance of the to-do app when thousands of tasks are added or deleted quickly.

4. End Users or Business Users (UAT):

  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Before the official launch, end users test the product in real-world scenarios to confirm that it meets their needs.
  • Example: During the UAT phase, business users or a small group of end users might be given access to your to-do app to see if it meets their needs and is easy to use.

5. Security Experts (in Security Testing):

  • Penetration Testers: These testers focus on identifying security vulnerabilities. They use techniques that mimic cyberattacks to find weaknesses.
  • Example: A security expert might try to hack into the app and access users' task lists or personal information to ensure that your app is secure.

6. Performance Testers:

  • Load and Stress Testing: These testers evaluate how well the software performs under various conditions, like heavy user loads or limited system resources.
  • Example: A performance tester might simulate hundreds or thousands of users accessing the to-do app simultaneously to check for slowdowns or crashes.

Global App Testing offers functional and non-functional testing, from testing prototypes to translation testing, and we have 90,000 testers worldwide at your disposal, even overnight and on weekends.


When should different types of testing happen?

Here's a quick guide to understanding when different types of testing should occur during the SDLC:

  • Unit Testing: During development, run by developers.
  • Integration Testing: As different modules are completed, typically done by developers or automated test engineers.
  • Functional and System Testing: Once a complete version of the software is available, performed by QA testers.
  • Performance and Security Testing: As the system nears completion, conducted by specialized testers.
  • Acceptance Testing: Before launch, involving business users or real end users.
  • Regression Testing: After each new update or bug fix, to make sure nothing else broke in the 


Software testing isn't a one-time task but an ongoing process throughout the software lifecycle. Developers, QA testers, automated testing engineers, end users, and even security experts all play a role in ensuring that your product is reliable, secure, and enjoyable to use. From the initial unit tests to post-launch regression tests, testing ensures your software remains functional, bug-free, and ready to meet users' expectations.

That's where GAT can help. By integrating functional and UX testing into your workflow, GAT allows you to streamline your testing process, improve product quality, and deliver new features faster. Our platform offers comprehensive testing, covering every device, OS, and location across 190+ countries. Whether you need surge testing during overnight launches, global user feedback, or specialized compatibility checks, we provide the resources and expertise to expand your coverage and ensure your software is ready for a global audience.

Want to take your product to the next level? Grow globally with best-in-class functional testing. Get a demo of our platform today and see why top software businesses trust GAT to improve their testing processes.

We can help you drive software testing as a key initiative aligned to your business goals

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