
11 Best Load Testing Tools to Consider in 2024

As your software development project nears its finish line, one crucial test stands out for understanding its readiness for deployment: load testing. This type of performance testing helps you see how your web or mobile app will handle both regular and peak loads, as well as identify its breaking point. To help you with this process, we created a list of the 11 best Load testing tools. Let’s start!

We can help you drive load testing as a key initiative aligned to your business goals

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What is Load Testing?

Load testing is a type of Performance testing that assesses the performance of a system, software product, or application by subjecting it to conditions that represent real-life loads. Load testing, done through specialized software, puts a simulated "load" or demand on your application to ensure it stays stable during operation.

It measures the app's capacity by tracking transaction response times. For example, if your app experiences delays or instability under simulated traffic, it may have reached its peak capacity. This is a signal that you need to address potential issues and bottlenecks.

Load testing allows development teams to easily measure and analyze various factors such as:

  • Throughput rates
  • Resource usage
  • Hardware performance
  • Load balancer effectiveness
  • Concurrency issues
  • Software functionality errors under different traffic levels.

It also helps identify issues like system lag or crashes before they negatively affect end users in real-world scenarios.

11 Best Load Testing Tools To Consider

Here is the list of the 11 best load-testing tools based on our editor's choice.

1. Global App Testing


We're putting ourselves first because we'd love to be on your supplier shortlist if you're in the market for app development tools. We specialize in crowdtesting and offer a variety of testing services that are perfect for any stage of app development.


Our extensive community of over 90,000 testers globally means we can run tests on real devices and software setups in more than 190 countries and territories. Using our platform, you can easily send out test cases and exploratory tests to your target audience and get results back within a speedy 6-48 hours.


Key features

General features:

  • Comprehensive reporting – We provide clients with comprehensive reports that include graphical and video representations of testing results, making it easy to pinpoint areas for improvement.
  • Cross-platform testing – Our testing covers a wide range of platforms, including websites, web applications, and mobile applications for both iOS and Android.
  • Real-world testing – We conduct tests in real-world environments, using various devices and software setups to ensure accurate results.
  • Integrations - Our API, CLI, and webhooks make it easy to integrate with your CI system. Our platform also effortlessly syncs with popular project management tools like Jira, GitHub, and TestRail.
  • Global app testing platform – With an easy-to-use interface, our platform provides detailed bug reports, test case results, and qualitative insights into the testing process.

Testing types:

  • Usability testingWe evaluate user experience across different devices and platforms to improve interaction and satisfaction.
  • Accessibility testingOur WCAG-trained testers, including individuals with impairments, conduct accessibility testing to ensure inclusivity and compliance with accessibility standards
  • Functional testing Using crowdsourced testing methodologies, we identify and resolve potential issues with significant functions, ensuring smooth operation.
  • Regression testingOur regression testing ensures consistent performance across updates, preserving application integrity and reliability.
  • Exploratory testingProvides results with videos and logs, expediting issue resolution and enhancing application reliability.
  • Performance testing We measure system response times, resource usage, throughput, and other metrics to conduct performance testing and optimize performance.
  • Compatibility testing – Guarantees smooth performance across various devices, browsers, and platforms, ensuring a consistent user experience.

2. OctoPerf - “Simplify & Modernize your performance tests”


OctoPerf is a robust performance testing tool designed to assess the performance of web applications, web services, and APIs. OctoPerf empowers teams to simulate thousands of virtual users accessing their applications at the same time. As a result, you can identify potential bottlenecks and optimize performance.

Key features

Some of the key features highlighted on the OctoPerf website are:

  • Scalability – OctoPerf can simulate thousands to millions of concurrent users from global locations, ensuring your application handles peak loads without performance issues.
  • Flexibility – Offers flexibility in testing configurations, allowing businesses to tailor tests to specific needs and scenarios.
  • Realism – Simulates real-world user interactions and scenarios to provide accurate and actionable insights into application performance.
  • Insight – Provides detailed analytics and insights during and after tests to identify and address performance issues
  • Event Preparation – Specifically helps prepare for high-traffic events like Black Friday, tax season, and ticket sales, ensuring optimal performance during peak times.

3. PFLB – “AI-Powered Load Testing for Real-World Conditions


PFLB is an AI-powered load testing platform designed to help teams scale websites and applications confidently. With powerful scenario-based simulations, PFLB replicates real-world traffic to ensure optimal performance under peak loads.

Key features

  • Automatic Test Plan Generation: Integrate Google Analytics to create accurate load profiles from real user data.
  • Realistic Testing: Leverage scenario-based traffic simulations that mirror real-world usage, including high geo-distributed loads.
  • No-Code Scripting: Easily create and customize advanced test scripts with PFLB's intuitive no-code editor.
  • Cloud JMeter Integration: Import JMeter JMX files and execute them from the cloud.
  • AI-Powered Performance Insights: Identify performance bottlenecks with automated AI analytics.
  • Powerful Reporting: Discover load testing results in real-time Grafana dashboards. Compare different test runs in the comprehensive Trend Report.
  • Continuous Testing: Integrate PFLB load testing with your CI/CD pipeline

Supported Protocols:


4. Gatling - “Trusted by developers, built for enterprises”


Gatling is an open-source load-testing tool for analyzing and measuring web application performance. Written in Scala, it offers powerful and flexible scripting capabilities.

Key features

Some of the key features highlighted on the Gatling website are:

  • Load-Test-as-Code – Gatling Enterprise offers a load-test-as-code approach, enabling integration with DevOps and CI/CD pipelines for automated and continuous testing.
  • Flexibility in Testing – Users can script tests and utilize their own datasets and libraries to simulate complex user behaviors, enhancing test realism.
  • Powerful Engine – Capable of generating millions of users seamlessly, with the ability to handle up to 1 million requests per second from multiple regions.
  • Resource-Efficient Load Generators – Efficient in resource usage, supporting both on-premises load generators and managed infrastructure.
  • Reporting – Generates detailed reports and performance metrics such as response times, error rates, and throughput, aiding in quick identification and resolution of performance issues.

5.  Locust - “An open source load testing tool”


Locust is an open-source load-testing tool written in Python, designed to simulate millions of users to test the performance of web applications. It features a web-based interface for real-time test monitoring and control, along with flexible scripting capabilities for detailed user behavior simulation.

Key features

Some of the key features highlighted on the Locust website are:

  • Write Test Scenarios in Python – Create test scenarios using plain Python, leveraging standard programming constructs for loops, conditions, and calculations.
  • Distributed and Scalable – Handle hundreds of thousands of concurrent users by distributing tests across multiple machines.
  • User-Friendly Web Interface – Monitor test progress in real-time with Locust's web interface. Adjust the load during tests for flexibility and also support headless mode for seamless CI/CD integration.
  • Versatile Testing Capabilities – Test any system or protocol by writing custom clients or using community-created ones. Locust is not limited to websites and services, offering broad applicability.

6. K6 - “Prevent failures. Improve reliability. Release with confidence.”


K6 is an open-source load-testing tool designed for modern web applications. Written in Go and utilizing a JavaScript scripting API, K6 enables developers to create and run extensive performance tests efficiently, integrating seamlessly into CI/CD pipelines.

Key features

Some of the key features highlighted on the K6 website are:

  • CI/CD Integration – Boost release confidence and speed by integrating performance testing into the CI/CD process, allowing for continuous testing and deployment.
  • Full Stack Visibility – Correlate load test results with server-side data to troubleshoot performance issues effectively without switching platforms.
  • Automated Testing – Schedule and automate tests from the web app, CLI, and CI pipelines, using SLOs as pass/fail criteria to model real-world traffic patterns.
  • Performance Insights – Intelligent algorithms automatically detect and surface performance-related issues, allowing for comparison of results between tests and trends over time.

7. NeoLoad - “Modern performance testing for modern enterprises”


NeoLoad is an enterprise-grade load-testing tool designed for testing the performance of web, mobile, and packaged applications. It offers a user-friendly interface, robust scripting capabilities, and extensive integrations with CI/CD pipelines, making it suitable for continuous performance testing and DevOps environments.

Key features

Some of the key features highlighted on the NeoLoad website are:

  • Comprehensive Testing Capabilities – Supports load testing for APIs, microservices, and end-to-end applications using both protocol-based and browser-based approaches.
  • RealBrowser Technology – Delivers browser-based performance testing to capture actual end-user metrics, making it easy to design and run tests in minutes.
  • Enterprise Ready – Supports testing for a wide range of applications including web, mobile, packaged applications, and microservices.
  • DevOps Automation – Automates testing within CI/CD pipelines with both GUI and as code options, supporting various skill sets.
  • Scalable and Distributed Testing – Handles large-scale load testing scenarios and dynamically allocates resources for optimized testing environments.

8. WebLOAD - “Anytime, anywhere, under any condition”


WebLoad is a load-testing tool designed for analyzing the performance and scalability of web applications. It combines advanced scripting capabilities with real-time analytics and reporting, making it suitable for testing complex user scenarios and identifying performance bottlenecks

Key features

Some of the key features highlighted on the WebLOAD website are:

  • Mobile load testing – During test execution, you can simulate realistic test scenarios by selecting a variety of different browsers, devices, and capabilities.
  • Cloud load testing – Follow the load test execution progress in the Web UI, generate different reports, and analyze performance statistics when the tests are running.
  • API load testing – With WebLOAD scripts, XML and JSON objects can be presented in a string or in a JavaScript object, making it easy to manipulate the values according to your needs.
  • Oracle forms load testing – While executing load test scenarios, WebLOAD extracts data from the Oracle Forms server, correlating statistics with the response time.

9. Taurus - “Automation-friendly framework for continuous testing”


Taurus is an open-source automation framework that simplifies performance and functional testing by enabling users to create and run tests using a human-readable YAML syntax. It acts as a wrapper for various testing tools like JMeter, Gatling, and Locust, enhancing their capabilities and ease of use.

Key features

Some of the key features highlighted on the Taurus website are:

  • Integration with Open-Source Tools – Seamlessly integrates with popular open-source frameworks like JMeter, running them in the background.
  • CI/CD Compatibility – Compatible with CI/CD pipelines, allowing continuous integration and automated testing.
  • Simplicity in Execution – Use basic YAML structure for quick and easy test setup without needing to learn a new scripting language.
  • Flexible Execution Configuration – Define various test parameters like concurrency, ramp-up, and hold-for durations within the execution section of the YAML file.

10. BlazeMeter - “The future of testing is AI-Driven”


BlazeMeter is a cloud-based load-testing platform that enables users to run performance tests at scale using popular open-source tools like JMeter, Gatling, and Selenium. It provides comprehensive analytics and real-time reporting, making it ideal for identifying and resolving performance delays in web and mobile applications.

Key features:

Some of the key features highlighted on the BlazeMeter website are:

  • AI-Driven Resilience Testing – Improve system resilience with AI-driven test data, identifying vulnerabilities through rigorous challenges.
  • IDE-Based Load and UX Testing – Conduct large-scale load and performance testing directly from your IDE, combining UX and load testing to simulate real user experiences under load.
  • Integrated API Testing and Monitoring – Integrate API testing and ongoing monitoring to shift testing left and right, detecting API issues before they impact end users.
  • Mobile App Testing Speed up testing with Android emulators and iOS simulators, using both virtual and real devices for comprehensive app testing.

11. LoadNinja - “No learning curve. No correlations. Just real-world accuracy.”


LoadNinja is a cloud-based load-testing tool that offers scriptless test creation. It enables users to generate realistic load tests without coding. With its browser-based approach and real-browser load testing, LoadNinja provides accurate insights into web application performance, helping teams deliver faster and more reliable software.

Key features

Some of the key features highlighted on the LoadNinja website are:

  • Reduce Test Script Creation Time – Use the InstaPlay Recorder with AI to quickly create complex API and UI tests, saving significant effort compared to conventional tools.
  • Generate Accurate Load with Real Browsers – TrueLoad technology utilizes real browsers at scale, providing a realistic representation of load on the infrastructure.
  • Analyze and Diagnose Performance Issues in Real Time – Gain actionable insights with browser-based navigation timings, response times, and network data to isolate issues quickly.
  • Automate Performance Tests in Any Environment – Use the LoadNinja REST API and custom CI/CD plugins to automate testing, integrating with tools like Zephyr Squad for comprehensive test management.
  • Test Applications in Local Network – Record and run load tests for internal applications using a private proxy, dedicated IP, or whitelisted dynamic IPs.

How can GAT help you?

Thanks to our worldwide approach and expertise, Global App Testing is an excellent choice for load testing. With our global perspective, teams can test apps under diverse load and location scenarios, guaranteeing optimization for any potential user base.

We prioritize security, adhering to GDPR and ISO27001 regulations to ensure compliance with digital laws and standards, safeguarding user data privacy and security throughout the testing phase. Schedule a call with our team today to explore how GAT can help you achieve a high-quality and reliable app!

We can help you drive load testing as a key initiative aligned to your business goals

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